Student Comments*

Eco 357L Political Economy of International Crisis Spring 2001

He is one of the few, really good scholars at UT who is able to make us see the fragmented world & social issues in a big picture with historical, political economical – human contexts.  I would never have learned so much without taking his lectures. Thank you very much.

Dr. Cleaver’s enthusiasm for teaching makes some of the “driest” material (Debt) interesting and relevant. Although his political thought is totally unconventional, the way in which he challenges one to actually think about issues is invaluable to any aspect of education.  Hell, that is education.

I felt this course required excessive reading.  It was difficult to keep up with readings as I was taking 3 other classes.  Overall, very informative and knowledgeable about subject. I learned quite a lot about International economies.

Dr. Cleaver’s personal involvement and opinion on most of the international crises made the course more interesting.  Cleaver adds salt to everything and that makes the material more interesting.

Apart from swimming & reading this should be an obligatory class for everybody it’s been mind & eyed-opening experience
    - Ignorance a sister of happiness

This class was very interesting and educational. I liked the lay out of topics and the fact that power point was available to students.  There was a lot of reading.  For next semester a packet which includes everything at once would be great.  Paying $20-30 every month or so was hard on a poor student. Paying at the beginning when there is still financial aide left. Thanks, great class, enjoyed it very much.

Really learned a lot in lectures.  You seem to be very knowledgeable and you tell it like it really is I really like the way you were flexible with deadlines as well.  Works around student schedules!  Too Cool!

At times the reading assignments were excessive. However, the format and organization of the class was excellent.  Additionally, the professor’s knowledge made the class all the more exciting.  Finally, the slides were most helpful for retaining the information.

This course was great.  The information was a blend of economics, history, and political science courses tied together.  It had very independent work that the students should have completed.

Perhaps Dr. Cleaver could try to cover fewer subjects in the semester.  Each was very interesting, but by doing fewer, more in depth would be better.  Also, the structure of the written assignments could be more rigid with due dates and such.  Overall, excellent course and brilliant professor.

I enjoyed the class structure and the material.  I think it would be beneficial to take a detailed look into some of the crises more.  The paper is helping me tie it all together.

Course was great.  To children of capitalism, it was like thinking in reverse sometimes.  It took me most of the semester before I began to see picture.  Maybe a little intro on class conflict at the beginning would have been helpful.

I enjoy every class that Dr. Cleaver lectures.  I had ECO 357K also and Dr. Cleaver did a great job.  He is a very smart professor who knows the material better then anyone.  I would strongly advise taking Marxist or Political Economy.  There is a lot of reading but it is worth it.  This is a truely unique & interesting class that everyone should take if they can.

This course was quite an eye-opener.  I didn’t realize what it was about though by the name.  Writing the summaries of the course topic really helped my understanding & preparation for the test.  There was a lot of reading & it was hard to keep up also. As evident, we cover so many topics that we didn’t get very in depth.

*Included here are ALL student comments, favorable and unfavorable. The only changes are minor grammatical corrections. The originals are available to anyone who might want to consult them.