Zapatistas in Cyberspace

[NB: this page was newly reconstituted in May 2014 and all of the following materials are still available through the links below.]

1. Analyses

The materials which follow are a mixture, in chronological order, of essays written both by pro-Zapatista activists and by US government policy advisors. Where possible, electronic addresses are provided for accessing these materials.

Harry Cleaver, "The Chiapas Uprising and the Future of Class Struggle in the New World Order", February 1994

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This was the first analysis of the Zapatista uprising which focused on the new and unusually important role being played by the Internet & PeaceNet in the mobilization of support that brought the Mexican government military counterattack to a halt and helped force negotiations. The article was first published in the Italian journal RIFF-RAFF (Padova).

John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, "Cyberwar is Coming!", 1993.


Originally published in Comparative Strategy, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1993, pp. 141-165, this study by two RAND Corporation analysts identifies the grassroots use of cyberspace for the circulation of struggle as a new arena for national security operations. Although pre-dating the Zapatista uprising it has been widely discussed as a central influence on current State efforts to deal with such struggles. In subsequent monographs The Advent of Netwar (1996) and The Zapatista "Social Netwar" in Mexico (1998) — available from RAND — Arquilla and Ronfeldt DID cite pro-Zapatista Net activity as a primary example of what they call "netwar" and continued their exploration of how the State might deal with it.

Jason Wehling, "Netwars and Activists' Power on the Internet" March 1995.

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Partly a response to Arquille & Ronfeldt, partly an attempt to synthesize experience and discussion on the Net, this piece provides an overview of a variety of grassroots uses of the Internet and of the RAND response.

Charles Swett, "Strategic Assessment: The Internet," July 1995

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Prepared by an "assistant for strategic assessment" in the Defense Department's wing on "Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict", this paper evaluates, from within the Pentagon, the dangers of netwar which Arquille & Ronfeldt have been calling to the attention of the State.

Harry Cleaver, "The Zapatistas & The Electronic Fabric of Struggle" November 1995.

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This piece, written after almost two years of participation in the electronic networks circulating the Zapatista struggles, analyses the experience within the context of both indigneous organizing in Chiapas and self activity in cyberspace. It also examines the emerging responses of the State to such activity including attempts to understand and develop countermeasures to deal with such grassroots electronic mobilization. Written for John Holloway and Eloína Peláez (eds.), Zapatista! Reinventing Revolution in Mexico, London:Pluto Press, 1998, this version was presented at INET96 in Montreal.