Help Available from Frayba


Zapatista Army of National Liberation


August 3, 2005.


To all those who are going to be attending the preparation meetings for the "other campaign":


Compañeros and compañeras:


In order to facilitate your arrival in those communities where the preparation meetings are to be held, we have asked for help from the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center, known by all the Chiapas indigenous as "Frayba." These brothers and sisters from Frayba agreed to help us with this. And so if you - Señor, Señora, Señorita, young person, boy, girl, delegate from an organization or delegate for yourself - don't know how to get there and don't understand the instructions we give you, then don't be sad: when you get to San Cristóbal, go to Frayba, and there they'll tell you just where you have to go to get there. Or you can also speak to them on the telephone or email them. The information is:


Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center

Director: Blanca Isabel Martínez Bustos

Calle Brasil #14, Barrio Mexicanos,

San Cristóbal de Las Casas,

Chiapas, Mexico.


Telephone numbers: 967-678-3548




Email address:


Another thing - they are informing me, and I'm informing you: abundant and even more abundant rain (although the sun does peek out sometimes); mud: a little bit too much; there's no electricity; the sound equipment isn't working; the music group is stuck; we've run out of tostadas; the beans have weevils and Penguin has the flu. In other words, everything is ready.


Vale. Salud and a map for reaching tomorrow.


From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos

Mexico, August of 2005.