Peter Truell, “Academic Solution:  Teach Debt Relief,” The Wall Street Journal, September 24, 1987.


Often times, when looking for advice on international debt, leaders look toward academia.  Usually, three key men are contacted, Albert Fishlow, of the University of California at Berkley, Jeffrey D. Sachs, of Harvard, and Rudiger Dornbusch, of MIT.  All three have a great amount of experience dealing with debt relief especially in countries like Brazil.  These men are also faced with criticism from some saying they are shortsighted and impractical.  Despite these critics, a rough proposal was worked out in Brazil, with heavy involvement from all of these men, yet all three downplayed their role in these actions.  Yet it can easily be seen that these vital economists are all key figures in the negotiations involving Brazilian debt. 


Summary by:

Liz Garmatz