Mark Connally

  1. Jane Perlez, "Insurgents in Ethiopia Begin Anti-Government Offensive," The New York Times, February 10, 1990.

    The Main Point and Summary

    The main rebel group has forced the Ethiopian government out of Eritrea, the group is fighting for independence from the Government. This offensive is supposed to threaten the road that supplies relief food to both the rebels and the others. They have also stalled the port, firing upon ships that bring enough relief for all to live off of for months. The offensive front has destroyed tanks, and has taken over many weapons, such as rocket launcher, making the situation worse. This was all in an attempt to take over the capitol at Asmara, then they would declare themselves independent.

    Striking on Three Fronts

    In an attempt to take over the capitol the will attack on three places around Asmara. North at Merara, west of Areza, and east at Adis-home. These rebels are also helping other rebels to force the government out of control, they have tried peace talks, but weren’t happy and didn’t try those again.