Onaje Barnes

Eco 357 Summary


Noam Chomsky, Foreign Policy and Intelligentsia, Towards a New Cold War


Main Point

The United States is no more engaged in programs for international good than any other nation.  Our foreign policy is designed and implemented by narrow groups who derive their power from domestic resources.  Furthermore any statements against or objecting to mainstream or propagandist belief is often censored or dismissed without legitimate consideration of truth.




The essay first addresses the idea that the average American does not decide foreign policy issues and is unaware of many facts in-regards to our foreign policy.  Then it the essay goes on to basically state that our policy is based on supremacy just as any other country and is documented throughout our post WWII actions.


Chomsky first asks. Who sets foreign policy? Does the domestic realm control foreign policy?  He believes the government sets its foreign policy based on maintaining its authority and uses propaganda to gain support of the people.


Some people see through the propaganda of the media and American Government.  Two main groups of people, who are able to escape propaganda:

  1. The uneducated or lack of media involvement
  2. Those who struggle to extract the truth/facts from the flood of propaganda


Intellectuals are divided into two groups:

  1. Technocratic and policy-oriented intellectuals- the good guys who make the system work and raise no annoying questions
  2. Value oriented intellectuals- those who may inhibit American way of life by asserted concerns over American foreign policy.  Considered dangerous because they challenge existing forms of authority.


People who serve the State ideologies:

  1. Out right Propagandists
  2. Technocratic and policy oriented intellectuals


In our present system of allocation of information one can lie freely about the war/moral crimes, real or alleged, of an official enemy, while suppressing the involvement of ones state in atrocities.


Post World War II


Most of the industrial world was destroyed, while industrial production rose in the US. Chomsky then addresses the question what were the driving principles behind our international economic success?  He asserts that formula was derived in a series memorandum of the War and Peace Studies Project of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) during the War. 

In the early years of the war it was assumed that Germany may control part of the world, so the policy was to develop an “integrated policy to achieve military and economic supremacy for the US within the Non-German world.”  Other documents further states that there must be equal access to resources for American Companies everywhere, but no equal access for others.  Resources meant petroleum or Oil. America had to not only retain its dominance in the Western Hemisphere but establish a strong Middle Eastern presence.  America’s main competitor was Great Britain.  America succeeded in diminishing the British presence mainly through treaties and CIA backed operations that helped American allies gain control of many Arab nations. 

When Iran for example attempted experiment in democracy in-order to control their own oil supply, the CIA backed a regime that was US oil-company friendly. Meanwhile the New York Times cited the good news that “partnership must be the relationship between industrialized Western nations and less industrialized nations but rich in raw materials.  It was not good news for a country to gain their economic freedom.  The CFR study also concluded according to Chomsky that South East Asia must be integrated into the US- dominated global system.


Chomsky states that documents such as the CFR studies and Pentagon Papers should be studied with more insight if we want to understand American policy.  He also says that in our free society we do not beat or imprison those with radical ideals but we rather label them as dangerous radicals and dismiss their questions and concerns.  He infers that the government believes that awareness of also views and facts may threaten social order.