Plan II TC603A:
Composition and Reading in World Literature



PART 1: Institutional Rewriting of Social Groups and Individuals

Week 1: August 25 - 27

Wed Rewriting in different times, places, and media
Introduction to the course: Reading excerpt of Jane Eyre and comparing it to an in-class video excerpts from movie versions
*Viewing Goal: Identify three contrasts between Bronte's and the movies' version of this episode.
**NOTE: Introduction of Wide Sargasso Sea
Fri Rewriting to expand an original story
Assigned Reading: Wide Sargasso Sea, Part I
*Reading Goal: Three passages that mark Antoinette as an outsider
*Précis demonstration 1 in class: how to write a précis

Week 2: August 30 - 3 September

Mon Identifying the social classes in Rhys's story--what empowers/disempowers
Assigned Reading: Wide Sargasso Sea, Part II--End
*Reading Goal: Stages in Antoinette's surrender of her independent identity
*Writing Assignment: Précis #1
Wed The feminist context
Assigned Reading: Wide Sargasso Sea, Foreword and Afterword
"The Madwoman in the Attic" (pdf)
*Reading Goal: Reading in the evil twin

(see assignment directions for details)
Fri Comparing movie and novel: Do visual media necessitate modifications in the narrative?
Assigned Viewing: Two Film excerpts from Wide Sargasso Sea
*Writing Assignment: Blackboard Assignment #1 due: Compare a book passage that contrasts with a film excerpt and suggest either what these contrasts imply about the way messages of the novel have shifted or argue that they are faithfully recreated

Week 3: September 8 - 10

Wed Witches and Salem in 1692
Assigned Presentations: The Crucible
*Reading Goal: What lies people tell, and why--three examples
*Writing Assignment: Précis #2
Fri Witch hunting and Washington DC in 1955
*Group Presentation: HUAC and Miller--Parallels in his play

Week 4: September 13 - 17

Mon The eye of the other
Assigned Reading: I, Tituba
*Reading Goal: What changes in perspective, what additions to Miller's version
*Writing Assignment: Précis #3
Wed Rewriting to claim a lost identity
Assigned Reading: I, Tituba, Foreward and Afterword
*Reading Goal: Condé's objectives and rationale for inventions
Fri Rewriting a culture
Assigned Reading: Said, Orientalism, Chapter 1 (pdf)
*Group Presentation: Colonizing as discursive practice

PART 2: Cultural Rewriting in Allegory--"Updating" a Story

Week 5: September 20 - 24

Mon Identifying how the narrator constructs his authority
Assigned Reading: The Divine Comedy I, Cantos 1-16, Introduction (Sayers), pp. 9-69 + pp. 292-298.
*Reading Goal: Identify at least one historical component and its allegorical meaning in each of the Cantos
*Writing Assignment: Précis #4
Wed The representation of psychological states
Assigned Reading: The Divine Comedy I, Cantos 17-26
*Reading Goal: at least two examples of images that are unclear or antiquated in your view and two metaphors of punishment that speak to you as appropriate and why
Fri Rewriting cosmology for one's own purposes
Assigned Readings: The Divine Comedy I, Cantos 27-End
*Group Presentation: Dante's targets

Week 6: September 27 - October 1

Mon The representation of paradise
Assigned Reading: The Divine Comedy III, Cantos 20-End (pdf)
*Reading Goal: To do your own visual depiction of the dimensions in this narrative vision of paradise
*Writing Assignment: Précis #5
Wed Reenvisioning heaven and hell through the ages
Assigned Reading: Lefevere, Chapter 1 (pdf)
*Reading Goal: Types of rewriting and their features/goals
Fri Dante rewritten in art
*Group Presentation: Visual representations of heaven and hell at different points in time

PART 3: Rewriting by Relocating the Protagonist's Time and Place

Week 7: October 4 - 8

Mon Journeys as tests of courage and ingenuity
Assigned Reading: Odyssey excerpt (pdf)
*Writing Assignment: Blackboard Assignment #2: Your take on what was rewritten and why
Wed The journey as misadventure
Assigned Reading: Walcott, Omeros excerpt (pdf)
             "Sea Grapes" (pdf)
Fri Recasting the quest tradition as social commentary
Assigned Reading: Als, "The Islander" (pdf)
*Group Presentation: Packaging Walcott

PART 4: Rewriting One's Life Script

Week 8: October 11 - 15

Mon The price of naiveté in a duplicitous society
Assigned Reading: Invisible Man, Prologue-Chapter 12
*Writing Assignment: Draft of abstract for proposed paper plus statement of research intent/research completed
Wed The White and the Black or the Exploiters and the Exploited?
Assigned Reading: Invisible Man, Chapters 13-19
Fri Being nobody as salvation
Assigned Reading: Invisible Man, Chapters 20-End
Wolf, Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flakcatchers (read around in pdf)
Macaulay, Motel of Mysteries (pdf)
*Reading Goal: Ellison redux--how times/perspectives changed between the fifties and the late sixties

Week 9: October 18 - 22

Mon The conflicted male a la Freud
Assigned Reading: Hamlet, Acts 1-3
Freud, "Passing of the Oedipus Complex" (pdf)
*Writing Assignment: Abstract of proposed paper plus statement of research intent/research completed

Schedule your individual consultations with the instructor by appointment (sign-up sheet on the door of my office, EPS 3.166--allow for 30 minutes minimum, more if you need it.)
**NOT AN OPTIONAL ACTIVITY (See "Directions and Grading for Solo Presentation of Paper" worksheet.)
Wed Taking Freud to the movies
Assigned Reading: Hamlet, Acts 4-5
Assigned Video: scene from Gibson's Hamlet
*Viewing Goal: how is Gibson's confrontation with his mother staged and what messages does that staging convey?
Fri The intellectual versus the socially aware Hamlet
Assigned Viewing: Scenes from Olivier's and Branaugh's versions of Hamlet
*Viewing Goal: What are contrasts in performance of these scenes and what, if any, differences result?
*Writing Assignment: compare two versions vis-à-vis the play (movie review)

Week 10: October 25 - 29

Mon Historical readings of the Greeks--the values and messages for Germans
Assigned Reading: The Iliad, Book 1
Marchand, "Down from Olympus," Chapter 1 (pdf)
Schliemann, Troy and Its Remains, Preface and Introduction (pdf -- skim for representative language)
MacCauley, The Motel of Mysteries, (pdf)
*Reading Goal: how many eighteenth and nineteenth century Germans read The Iliad and why
*Writing Assignment: Blackboard Assignment #3: what archeology, what ideology--two or three features of the PDF readings that are/are not your readings of Book 1
Wed Dealing with death--what is celebrated and why?
Assigned Reading: Iliad, Books 2-7
*Reading Goal: examples from The Iliad and parallels in how the military dead are treated in the US since WWII
Fri Identifying the function of the gods
Assigned Reading: Knox Introduction pp. 3-45.
*Reading Goal: find three passages in books we have read together in which the gods express a rationale for influencing human actions and the human behaviors result

Week 11: November 1 - 5

Mon Comparing translations: how language use renders a work accessible to other times and places
Assigned Readings: The Iliad, Book 8 (PDF versions to compare: Cowper, Butcher and Lang, Chapman)
Lefevere, Chapter 7 (pdf -- if you don't already have it)
*Reading Goal: Identifying several poetological and ideological features
*Writing Assignment: Blackboard Assignment #4: Find a passage that contrast in at least two of the three versions and suggest what these contrasts imply about the prospective readers of these translations with reference to Lefevere's observations about intended audiences
Wed Rank, authority, and power--Greek and modern views
Assigned Reading: The Iliad, Book 20-End
*Reading Goal: who is in charge in each of these books; what status do they have; what actions dictate gain or loss?
Fri Rewriting hero and warrior myths
Assigned Viewing: scenes from Troy
Assigned Reading: Nietzsche, "The Birth of Tragedy" (pdf)
*Reading Goal: in the sense of Nietzsche, what Dionysian and Apollinian statements or actions do you identify in the movie compared to the original and which principles dominate in the book, the film?

Week 12: November 8 - 12



Individual consultations with the instructor by appointment (sign-up sheet on the door of my office, EPS 3.166, see "Oral Presentations, Phase 3, week 12")

Week 13: November 15 - 19

Mon Oral Presentations of papers with handouts or PowerPoint, film or text excerpts as needed (see assignment instructions)
Wed Oral Presentations
Fri Oral Presentations

Week 14: November 22 - 24

Mon Oral Presentations of papers with handouts or PowerPoint, film or text excerpts as needed (see assignment instructions)
Wed Oral Presentations

Week 15: November 29 - December 3

Mon Oral Presentations of papers with handouts or PowerPoint, film or text excerpts as needed (see assignment instructions)
Wed Last day of Oral Presentations
**Final draft of longer written paper due on day of final: (see assignment instructions)

Fall Semester 2004