Exercise A:

Concept Building with Introduction of New Vocabulary

     The teacher wants to prepare students for the significant issues in Draußen vor der Tür by introducing the difficulties faced by a country in which a war has been fought.  Parallels to Bosnia, Iraq, or Israel may be appropriate.  The students are asked "welche Probleme haben die Menschen?"

     Below are typical phrases they might generate in response.  The teacher could augment (see brackets) students' responses with text-related new vocabulary.  Typically, words and phrases would be written on a blackboard or overhead transparency for purposes of visual reinforcement and review.

Hunger haben
Wunde haben oder verwundet sein [z. B. Bein, Arm verlieren]
schlechte Träume (Alpträume)
keine Frau / kein Mann / kein zu Hause haben [im Dreck liegen]
keine guten Kleider haben, keine Möbelstücke

 Exercise B
 Grade 8 Exercise Introduction and Brainstorming