Grade 4: Links to Standards

This chart indicates a number of age-appropriate activities that involve the text "Sein Name ist Hase!," correlating Grade 4 with the sets of Standards that are fulfilled:

what is asked

what results or is produced

standards goals achieved

draw a picture of the Easter Bunny engaged in various activities (hopping, sitting, painting & bringing eggs etc.) and visualized

learning new concepts on the recognition level and translating that understanding nonverbally

connections -- linking German vocabulary to concepts ("Hase mit langen Ohren, weißes Fell, bringt Eier, usw.")

children list typical Easter Bunny objects, connecting them to words already known

by extending the Osterhase concept to familiar household items, practice sentences with compounds

communication -- expressing compounds ("Osterhasetisch,-zettel, -eier, -korb, usw.")

children see sentences from the text and "find the Hase"

demonstrate implicit understanding of how compounds work

comparisons -- recognizing that German puts words together than English separates

small groups write a note to Hanni with a list of Easter wishes

appropriate address ("Du") and politeness markers ("bitte")

culture -- knowing about practice of writing to bunny

each group presents its wish list

ability to lexate -- use words in German to express wishes

community -- exchanging ideas in German and / or in a German context

     These tasks are clearly designed for students who do not yet read a newspaper in their first languages. Yet these students can begin to look at and skim parts of such a text; the tasks that ask them to do so will, over the long term, facilitate their explicit development of their abilities to make connections. Moreover, using a text that has an age-appropriate topic, but not necessarily age-appropriate vocabulary and syntax, is crucial to opening students eventual sensitivity for what kinds of reading exist in the L2 culture.

 Grade 8: Links to Standards