Aufgaben: 356:

Von Comiks zur Kunst--Herbst 1998


Janet Swaffar

Dept. of Germanic Languages

U. of Texas at Austin


Articulating Main Ideas and Their Implications--1/2 point per segment

1) At the "meta" level, texts can only focus on five kinds of topics. LEARN THESE TERMS!:

s Ereignis, -se


e Einrichtung, -en

institution, movement

s Problem, -e

issue, problem

e Leitidee, -n

representative concern

r Beteiligte, -n


YOU WRITE: a sentence characterizing what you think is the event, issue (etc.) in question noting the who, what, where and when of the event, issue, person, concern or movement.

EXAMPLE: Asterix bietet eine ökologische Lehre (LEITIDEE), die modern ist.

2) Your second sentence will expand the focus by stating how topics are treated: For example, a comparison of two problems, causes of a problem and its solutions, or stages in the problem and what occurred as a result NOTE: You may coalesce sentences 1 and 2 into a single statement as long as that statement is clear and explicit. Typical concepts to add:

e Ursache, -n


e Stufe, -n


s Merkmal, -e


e Lösung


s Ziel, -e


e Bedingung, -en


e Auswirkung, -en

impact, result, characteristic effect

e Quelle, -n


YOU WRITE: A sentence describing the logic pattern in question, i.e.:

EXAMPLE: r Vergleich (comparison): Der Text vergleicht _______________(e.g., which stages) mit ihren _______________(which features).

e Kausalität: Der Text handelt von ______________ (e.g., causes of the problem) um ___________________ zu zeigen. (shows relationship to the specific results).

**German cues: um-zu, indem + subordinate clause, weil + subordinate clause (10%)

3) Exemplify the logic pattern by identifying key words or phrases (not sentences) in the text which correspond clearly to these categories. Three such pairs are generally sufficient to assess the scope of the argument; more than five are generally superfluous.


YOU WRITE: two category headings, and corresponding examples from the text


Beziehungen im Clan


4) After completing 1-3, analyze the implications of the pattern arrangement you have identified. Reflect on your German matrix in German (but convince me that you understand what you wrote in 1-3) and tell me why you find it significant or interesting; what is the author's covert, unstated program; how do the conclusions suggested by the text (the contrasts or implied causalities) correspond to your view of reality?


Eintrag: # 1. Sept. 2

Zeit: 1 1/2 Stunden, zweimal gesehen

Text: Der Denver Clan

Länge: 35 Minuten


Fokus: Der Sendung handelt von den Verhältnissen zwischen Familienmitgliedern

Argument: Dieses Video (der Text) handelt von guten, bösen, fähigen und minder fähigen Carringtons und Colbys, um romantische Vorstellungen der Zuschauer zu erfüllen.




Tante Constance (zu dem Neffen)

"ich schenke Dir die Hälfte meiner Aktien" Der Neffe antwortet: "....."

Der Neffe kontrolliert jetzt 50% von Colby enterprises und sein Onkel Jason sagt: "........"

Gloria zum ehemaligen Mann Stephen: "ich will allein sein."

Er antwortet: "......."

Sie flüchtet in ein feines Hotel, aber Adam folgt ihr und sagt "........"


Implikationen: ein Absatz zu einem der folgenden Fragen

-welche Stereotypen finden wir hier vor?

-welche Unwahrscheinlichkeiten?

-welche dahintersteckenden Annahmen?

Mit anderen Worten, welche romantische Vorstellungen werden hier angesprochen und WARUM?