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Katherine Arens

Department of Germanic Studies
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712

1976-80: Ph.D., German Studies + Humanities Special Programs, Stanford University (degree date: January, 1981)
Dissertation: Functionalism and Fin de siècle: Fritz Mauthner's Critique of Language (Supervisor: Kurt Mueller-Vollmer; Committee: Gordon Craig [History], Walter F.W. Lohnes)
1978-79: University of Vienna, Austria
1975-76: A.M., German Studies, Stanford University
1971-75: B.A., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (Physics and German)


1993-date:Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Germanic Languages
   -GSC member, Program in Comparative Literature
   -affiliate, Center for Russian and Eastern European Studies
    (2002- ) -concurrent zero-time appointment, Center for Women's and Gender Studies
    (2004- - concurrent zero-time appointment, Science and Technology Studies
    (2005-) -affiliate, Center for European Studies
1986-1993: Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Germanic Languages
1980-1986: Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Germanic Languages
1976-80: Teaching Fellow, Stanford University, Department of German Studies and Humanities Special Programs



Remapping the Foreign Language Curriculum: A Multi-Literacies Approach. J. Swaffar and K. Arens. New York: Modern Language Association, 2005.

Empire in Decline: Fritz Mauthner's Critique of Wilhelminian German, New York: Peter Lang, 2000

Austria and Other Margins: Reading Culture. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1996

Janet K. Swaffar, K. Arens, and Heidi Byrnes. Reading for Meaning: An Integrated Approach to Language Learning. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall: 1991)

Structures of Knowing: Psychologies of the Nineteenth Century Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 113 (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1989)

Functionalism and Fin de siécle: Fritz Mauthner's Critique of Language. (Bern: Peter Lang, 1984)

____________: EDITED BOOKS

Women's Studies Reading and Resource List (with Jill Rader). Austin, TX: The Center for Women's Studies, 1999

Janet Swaffar, Susan Romano, Phillip Markley, and K.A., eds. Language Learning Online: Theory and Practice in the ESL and L2 Classroom. Austin, TX: Labyrinth Publications, 1998 [ISBN 1-891430-11-4]

Elfriede Jelinek: Framed by Language (with Jorun B. Johns) Riverside: Ariadne Press, 1994

_______: TEXTBOOK

Blickwechsel (J. Vansant, J. Swaffar, K. Arens, S. Shattuck, & M.-L. Gaettens). (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1990)


"The Four-Fold Way to Internationalism: Grillparzer's Non-National Historical Literacy." In: Aneignungen, Entfremdungen: The Austrian Playwright Franz Grillparzer. Eds. Raleigh Whitinger and Clemens Ruthner. (39 ms pp; forthcoming)(peer reviewed)

³Kristeva on the Encyclopedists: Linguistics and the Philosophical Imaginary.² Proceedings of ICHoLS X: Tenth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences. (Forthcoming, Benjamins)(peer reviewed)

"Austria and the Central European Imagination after 1989: 'The Balkans Begin at the Gürtel'." In: A History of the Literary Cultures of East Central Europe, Vol. 2. Eds. Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer. Forthcoming, Benjamins, 2006. (peer reviewed)

"'Glücklich ist, wer [nicht] vergißt': From Museum Culture to Broadway-an-der-Wien." Mediating Germany: Popular Culture between Tradition and Innovation. Ed. Gerd Bayer. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006. 73-91.

"From Kristeva to Deleuze: The Encyclopedists and the Philosophical Imaginary." In: Stephen H. Daniel, ed. Current Continental Theory and Modern Philosophy. Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 2005. 179-96. (peer reviewed)

"Antäus and the Critique of Language: Fritz Mauthner's Gruppe." In: Ludwig Bernays, ed. Otto Friedrich Gruppe 1804-1876: Philosoph, Dichter, Philologe. Freiburg im Breisgau: Rombach Verlag, 2004. 73-94

"Colonialism in Austria: Fritz Mauthner's Bohmenian Novellas" In: Elisabeth Leinfellner and Jörg Thunecke, eds. Brückenschlag zwischen den Disziplinen: Fritz Mauthner als Schriftsteller, Kritiker und Kulturtheoretiker. Wuppertal: Arco Verlag, 2004. 149-66

"Beyond Vienna 1900: Habsburg Identities in Central Europe." In: A History of the Literary Cultures of East Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Vol. 1. Eds. Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2004. 216-228 (peer reviewed)

"Central Europe¹s Catastrophes on Film: The Case of István Szabó." In: A History of the Literary Cultures of East Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Vol. 1. Eds. Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins,, 2004. 548-558 (peer reviewed)

"Arthur Schnitzler and the Discourse of Gender." Companion to the Works of Arthur Schnitzler. Ed. Dagmar C. G. Lorenz. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2003. 243-264.

"Dreams, Visions, and Cosmology: Swedenborg and the Protestant Reformation in Science." In: The Dream and the Enlightenment/Le Rêve et les Lumières. Eds. Bernard Dieterle and Manfred Engel. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2003: 135-167 (peer reviewed)

"Eclipses, Floods, and Other Biedermeier Catastrophes: The theatrum mundi of Revolution." The Other Vienna: The Culture of Biedermeier Austria, Österreichisches Biedermeier in Literatur, Musik, Kunst, und Kulturgeschichte. Sonderpublikation der Grillparzer-Gesellschaft (Wien) , #5. Eds. Robert Pichl and Clifford A. Bernd, with Margarete Wagner. Wien: Lehner, 2002: 173-88 (solicited)

"The Persistence of Kasperl in Memory: H. C. Artmann and Peter Handke." In: Postwar Austrian Theater: Text And Performance. Eds. Linda DeMeritt and Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 2002: 33-53

"Hofmannsthal's Essays: Conservation as Revolution." A Companion to the Works of Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Ed. Thomas A. Kovach. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2002: 181-202.

"Politics, History, and Public Intellectuals in Central Europe after 1989." Comparative Central European Culture. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2002: 115-132.(peer reviewed)

"History as Knowledge: Herder, Kant, and the Human Sciences," Johann Gottfried Herder: Academic Disciplines and the Pursuit of Knowledge. Ed. Wulf Koepke. Proceedings of the International Herder-Gesellschaft Conference, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 14 April 1990. SC: Camden House, 1996: 106-119

"On Rereading Paul's Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte." In: Kurt R. Jankowsky, ed. Multiple Perspectives on the Historical Dimensions of Language. Münster: Nodus Publications, 1996: 105-114 (refereed)

"Mach und Mauthner: Der Fall eines Paradigmawechsels," Fritz Mauthner: Das Werk eines Kritischen Denkers, eds. Elisabeth Leinfellner and Hubert Schleichert. Wien: Bâhlau, 1995: 95-109

"Characterology: Weininger and Austrian Popular Science," Jews and Gender: Responses to Otto Weininger, ed. Nancy Harrowitz and Barbara Hyams; Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995: 121-139

"Applied Scholarship in Foreign Languages: A Program of Study in Professional Development." The Dynamics of Language Program Direction, ed. David P. Benseler. AAUSC Issues in Language Program Directions. Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1993: 33-63

"Kant, Herder, and Psychology," Herder Today: Contributions from the International Herder Conference 1987. Edited by Kurt Mueller-Vollmer. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1990: 190-206.

Janet Swaffar and Katherine Arens, "Die Grammatik des Textes," Literarische Texte im kommunikativen Fremdsprachenunterricht: New Yorker Werkstattgespräch 1984 , ed. Manfred Heid (Munich: Goethe-Institut, 1985): 290-351

"Grammatik des Kontexts: Umriß und Bedingung eines kontextbezogenen Lernprozesses," in New Yorker Werkstattgespräch 1982 (München: Goethe Institut, 1983): 34-52

PUBLICATIONS: ARTICLES (refereed, unless otherwise indicated)

"Stadtwollen: Benjamin's Arcades Project and the Problem of Method." PMLA, Special topic issue on cities (January 2007).

"'Das Schiff ist das Urbild einer sehr besonderen und strengen Regierungsform': Herder's Journey to Hermeneutic Conversion." Herder Jahrbuch/Herder Yearbook, 8 (2006): 43-59.

"Globalizing Information: Accountability and Disciplinarity." German Quarterly, 78, #3 (Summer 2005): 374-78

"Said's Colonial Fantasies: How Orientalism Marginalizes Eighteenth-Century Germany." Herder Jahrbuch, 7 (2004): 11-29

Norma Fowler, Katherine Arens, Lucia A. Gilbert, Shelley M. Payne, Linda E. Reichl, and Janet Staiger. "Graphic Stories: Representing the Status of Female Faculty." Feminist Studies, 30, # 3 (Fall 2004): 689-701

"Why Austrian Studies Isn't German Studies: Germanophone Culture(s) -- A Once and Future Tale." Modern Austrian Literature, 36, # 1/2 (2003): 53-68 (appeared May, 2004)

"Hanswurst redux: Staberl, Titus, and Annina." Modern Austrian Literature, 35, #3/4, 2002: 1-26 (appeared March, 2004).

John R. J. Eyck and K.A. "The Court of Public Opinion: Lessing, Goethe, and Werther's Emilia Galotti." Monatshefte, 96, #1 (Spring 2004): 40-61

"Castrati and the Masquerade of the Eighteenth Century: Farinelli and Sitwell." 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era, Vol. 9 (2003): 237-268
   winner: 2003 Presidential Prize, South-Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, best paper at SCSECS 2002)

"Jefferson in Paris: Imperious History, Un-Domesticated." Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert, 27, #1 (2003): 76-84

"Geister der Zeit: The Allies' Enlightenment and German Literary History." JEGP, 102 # 3 (July 2003): 336-361

"Teaching and the MLA International Bibliography." Profession (2002): 158-163

"Canons, Generations, Bridges: Rethinking Our Gardens." ADFL Bulletin, 34, #1 (Fall 2002): 21-25

"Anna Karenina: Medical Propriety as Social Practice," by Katherine Arens and Monica Valdez Kennedy. South-Central Review, 19, #1 (Spring, 2002): 26-52

"Translators Who Are Not Traitors: Herder's and Lessing's Enlightenment." Herder Jahrbuch/Herder Yearbook. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 2000: 91-109

"Reading Goals and the Standards for Foreign Languge Learning" (w/ Janet Swaffar), FLAnnals, 33, #1 (January/February 2000): 104-122

"For Want of a Word: The Case for Germanophone," Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, 32, #2 (Fall, 1999): 130-142

"From Caillois to 'The Laugh of the Medusa': Vectors of a Diagonal Science," Textual Practice, 12 #2 (1998): 225-250

"The Linguistics of French Feminism: Sémanalyse as Critical Discourse Practice," Intertexts, 2.2 (1998)

"Discourse Analysis as Critical Historiography: A Sémanalyse of Mystic Speech," Rethinking History, 2, #1 (1998): 23-50

"The Canon of Theory: Report on an Institutional Case" (with Elizabeth M. Richmond-Garza), Comparative Literature Studies, 34, # 4 (1997): 392-413

"The Habsburg Myth: Austria in the Writing Curriculum." Unterrichtspraxis, 29, # 2 (Fall 1996): 174-87 {AATG/ACTFL best UP article of the year, 1996]

"Wilhelm Griesinger: Psychiatry between Philosophy and Praxis," Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology, Vol. 3, No. 3 (September 1996): 147-163

"Central Europe and the Nationalist Paradigm." Working Papers in Austrian Studies (U. of Minnesota), 96-1 (March 1996): 36 pp. (solicited)

"A Power-Base of Our Own: A New Case for the Historiography of the Language Sciences," Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschafft, 6, # 1 (1996): 19-52

"H.D.'s Post-Freudian Cultural Analysis: Nike versus Oedipus," American Imago, 52, No. 4 (Winter 1995): 359-404

"Between Hypatia and Beauvoir: Philosophy as Discourse," Hypatia, 10, # 4 (Fall, 1995): 46-75

"Training Graduate Students to Teach Culture: A Case Study," ADFL Bulletin, 23, No. 1 (Fall 1991): 35-41

"Robert Wilson: Is Postmodern Performance Possible?," Theatre Journal, 43, No. 1 (March 1991): 14-40

"Characterology: Hapsburg Empire to Third Reich," Literature and Medicine, 8 (1989): 128-55

"Tracking Objectives:Conceptual Competencies and the Undergraduate Curriculum," with J. K. Swaffar, ADFL Bulletin, 18, No. 3 (April 1987): 16-20

"Logik und Leseprozeß in der Fremdsprache," with Janet Swaffar, Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig), 24, No. 2 (1987): 103-109

"Schnitzler and Characterology," Modern Austrian Literature, Special Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Issue , 19, Nos. 3/4 (1986): 97-127

"Mozart: A Case Study in Logocentric Repression," Comparative Literature Studies, 23, # 2 (Summer 1986): 141-169

"Between Disciplines and Methods: A Proposal for the Curriculum," Journal of General Education (Pennsylvania State University), 36, # 14 (1985): 280-292

"Mach's Psychology of Investigation," Journal of the History of the BehavioralSciences, 21, No. 2 (April 1985): 151-68

"Humboldt and Goethe's Märchen: A Generic Interpretation," German Quarterly, 57, No. 1 (1984): 42-58

"Kleist's 'Bettelweib von Locarno': A Propositional Analysis," Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift, 57, No. 3 (1983): 450-68

"Linguistic Skepticism: Towards a Productive Definition," Monatshefte, 74, No. 2 (1982): 145-55

"Teacher Classroom Practices: Redefining Method as Task Hierarchy," with J. Swaffar and M. Morgan, Modern Language Journal, 66, No. 1 (1982): 24-33


AATG/Goethe House "Going the Distance" project, Unit on Reading, w/ J. Swaffar

PUBLICATIONS: General Interest

"Mayerling: Women's Lives, Affairs of State." Program for Mayerling: Ballet in Three Acts (choreography: Kenneth MacMillan), Royal Ballet, Covent Garden, October-November 2002: 6 pp. (no pagination)


Entries on and "Kant, Hegel, and Romantic Philosophy," "Marx," "Nietzsche," and "Freud" for the Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation. Ed. Peter France. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000: 321-325, 325-327, 327-329, 329- 330

Entries on "Heimito von Doderer," "Karl Kraus," "Johann Nestroy," and "Adalbert Stifter" for The Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English. Ed. Olive Classe. 2 Vols. London: Fizroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000: 363-365, 776-778, 997-999, 1336-1338

Entries on "Engagement," "Existentialism," and "Phenomenology" for The Feminist Encyclopedia of German Literature. Ed. Friederike Eigler and Susanne Kord. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997: 111-112; 131-133; 395-396

"Commentary on 'Lumps and Bumps: Kantian Faculty Psychology, Phrenology, and Twentieth-Century Psychiatric Classification.'" Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, 3, # 1 (March 1996): 15-16

Josef Brozek, Vil»m Kuthan, & K. Arens. "Contributions to the History of Psychology: LXXXIII. J.E. Purkinje and Mathias Klotz: Who First Described 'The Phenomenon'?" Perceptual and Motor Skills, 73 (1991): 511-14

"Contributions to the History of Psychology: LXXVII. Note on Issues for the Discipline." Perceptual and Motor Skills, 72 (1991): 637-638


"Classicism and the Tyranny of the Moderns: How Grillparzer Resists Weimar." Session organized by the International Grillparzer Society for the Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association. Annuan Convention of the Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA, 30 Decebmer 2007

"Hannah Arendt Translates Culture: Men in Dark Times." Panel on "Translating Culture in the Work of Hannah Arendt. " Hannah Arendt in the 21st Century: A Global Discourse. Center for Jewish Studies, Baylor University, and Hannah-Arendt-Institut (Dresden), Waco Texas, 11 November 2006

"Stadtwollen: Benjamin's Arcades Project and the Problem of Method." Benjamin Festival Berlin. Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin, with Archiv der Akademie der Künste, Deutschen Rundfunkarchiv, Kino Arsenal, Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart, and Staatsoper Unter den Linden. Section on "Revueformen der Philosophie" - jenseits der Systeme," organized by Ashraf Noor, (Jerusalem) and Erik Porath (ZfL). Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany, 18 October 2006

"Herder and a new 'Battle of the Books': Textuality and Periodization." Herder as Challenge - Herausforderung Herder: Biennial Conference of the International Herder Society. Madison, Wisconsin. 21 September 2006

"Herder and Scientific Authority: The Problem of Speaking Otherwise." Public Roundtable: "Enlightenment as a Challenge for the 21st Century: Johann Gottfried Herder." U of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. 20 September 2006

"Teaching Genres, Teaching Literature?: Old Enterprises Redefined for New Curricula. Michigan State University /American Association of Teachers of German Symposium on "Engaged Learning: Best Practices to Invigorate German Literary and Cultural Studies." East Lansing, MI. 15 September 2006

"Against Method and Viennese Methodological Traditions: Feyerabend and the Case of European Materialisms." 6th International Congress on the History of the Philosophy of Science (HOPOS), École normale supérieure, Paris, 14-18 June 2006 (Talk: June 17)

"Erklären, Verstehen, and Embodied Rationalities: Scientific Praxis as Regional Ontology." Historical Perspectives on "Erklären" and "Verstehen": An Interdisciplinary Workshop , Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (June 9-11, 2006); Talk: 9 June; organizer, Uljana Feest (15 invited participants)

"Disciplining Psychoanalysis: Freud¹s New Science and the Medicalization of the Subject." Annual Symposium for the Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association. Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 21 April 2006

"The Call of Cthulu: The Premodern PostCyber Subject." Annual Conference of the American Comparative Literature Association, Princeton, NJ, 25 March 2006

"Genres and the Standards Project: Teaching the 5 C's through Texts." Session on: "The Standards at the College Level: Opportunities ­ Missed Opportunities ­ Challenges," organized by Heidi Byrnes for AATG, Annual Convention of AATG/ACTFL, Baltimore, MD, Friday, Nov. 18, 2005

"Kristeva on the Encyclopedists: Linguistics and the Philosophical Imaginary." ICHoLS X: Tenth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Saturday, 3 September 2005

"Kant versus Swedenborg: From Creation History to Modern Science." Annual Meeting, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. "Critique of Unhistorical Reason": Session Sponsored by the International Herder Society. Las Vegas, NV. 1 April 2005

"Das Kloster bei Sendomir": Grillparzer's Non-National Historical Literacy." Annual Meeting, Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association, U of Montana, Missoula, 22 April 2005

"Applied Philosophy: Inventing the Social Sciences." Social Sciences Alumni Lecture. U of Houston-Downtown. 14 April 2005 (invited academic/public lecture, 100+)

"Mach, Haeckel, and the Rejection of the "Two Cultures": Popular Science as Epistemology in German-Language Science of the (Last) Fin de siècle." Department of Germanic Languages & Literature, Duke University. Friday, 12 November 2004.[greatly expanded version of conference paper of the same name]

"The Four-Fold Way to Internationalism: Grillparzer's Non-National Historical Literacy." "Inter/Nationalism: The Austrian Playwright Franz Grillparzer (1791-1872)." Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies and the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, University of Alberta. 28 February 2004.

"From Cultural Studies to Teaching Culture: Constructing a Framework for Learning through Literature." Session on "Literature and Culture or Cultural Studies," organized by the American Association of Teachers of German. 2002 Modern Language Association Annual Convention. New York, 30 December 2002

"From Reading to Reading Literature: A Language Teaching Perspective." Workshop on "Integrating Language Learning and Literature Learning," organized by the Forum for "Language and Composition in Literature Teaching, Literature in Language and Composition Teaching. 2002 Modern Language Association Annual Convention. New York, 29 December 2002

"Foreign Language Pedagogy and SLA in the MLA International Bibliography." Program arranged by the Advisory Committee on the MLA International Bibliography. Modern Language Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, 28 December 2001

Keynote Speech: "Canons, Bridges, Generations: Redefining Our Gardens." 2001 ADFL Seminar West: Conflicting Identities, Competing Loyalties. Host: University of Texas at Austin. 21 June 2001

"Kristeva on the Encyclopedists: A Case Study in the Philosophical Imaginary." Conference on Enlightenment Philosophy, Philosophy Department, Texas A & M University, 23 September 2000

"Arthur Schnitzler and the Discourse of Gender," Schnitzler 1900-2000: New Contexts and Perspectives: A Symposium, sponsored by the University of Illinois at Chicago, Austrian Cultural Institute, New York, and the Consulate General of Austria, Chicago, 14 July 2000,

"The Balkans Begin at the G&uul;rtel": Austria and the Central European Imagination after 1989." Invitational Conference: Central European Culture Today, sponsored by the University of Alberta and the Canadian Centre for Austrian and Central European Studies, Edmonton and Banff, Ontario, Canada, 24 September 1999.

"Eclipses, Floods, and Other Biedermeier Catastrophes: The theatrum mundi of Revolution." Conference: The Other Vienna; The Culture of Biedermeier Austria/ —sterreichisches Biedermeier: Literatur, Musik, Kunst, Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte, sponsored by the Grillparzer-Gesellschaft (Wien), the Grillparzer Society of America, CUNY Graduate School and University Center, and the Austrian vultural Institute (NY). 26 March 1999

--Second Version delivered to Characters in Context, lecture series sponsored by the Department of Germanic Studies, UT Austin, 10 September 1999

Panelist on Writing Assignments, Wakonse-South Special Interest Session at Joint Teaching Conference (A&M, UT, and other regional institutions), sponsored by the Wakonse Fellowship, 11 April 1999

"Germanic Studies: Millenial Considerations, Keynote Address, Conference on Reconceptualizing the German Classroom, Georgetown University, 20 March 1998

Instructor, NEH Summer Institute: "Teaching German Across the Curriculum," University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 16-21 July, 1995 (team-taught with Heidi Byrnes one week of a four-week institute)

"(Ab)Uses of Popularized Science: The Case of Max Nordau's Degeneration (1892)," Mark M. Horblit Colloquia in the History of Science, Dept. of the History of Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 28 February 1995

Full-day workshop on "The Logic of Language in the Classroom," California Foreign Language Project, Delta Sierra Region, California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, CA, 26 March 1992

"Teaching German for Science/Math" and "Teaching German for History/Sociolgoy (Landeskunde)," each a one-week workshop for high school teachers, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 15-19 and 22-26 July 1991

"Developing Content-Based Language Curricula," FIPSE-sponsored conference on Content-Based Instruction, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 20 July 1991

"Between SLA and Linguistics: Language in Learning," Linguistics Colloquium, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 19 April 1991

"Mauthner und Mach: Der Fall eines Paradigmawechsels," Internationales Fachtreffen zu Fritz Mauthner, Universität Konstanz, Fachgruppe Philosophie, Konstanz (FRG), 10 January 1989

"German Music and Literature," Presentation to the NEH/AISD Summer Seminar on World Literature, University of Texas, Austin, TX, 27 July 1988

"On Using Video in the Classroom", Lehrerseminar for High School Teachers, sponsored by the Goethe Institute Houston, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 23 May 1987

"Teaching Culture and History," Workshop for High School Teachers sponsored by the Goethe Institute Houston, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. 12 December 1986

"Grammatik des Kontexts: Umriß und Bedingung eines kontextbezogenen Lernprozesses," Goethe House Workshop, New York, 20 October 1982


"How Theaters Make Politics: Dramatic Adaptations in/to Vienna." Special event organized for the Grillparzer Society of America in conjunction with the Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association of America; held Sunday, 29 December 2002, at the Austrian Cultural Forum (11 E. 52nd Street), from 4-5:15

"Women Making History, Dramatically: Female Playwrights at Vienna's Burgtheater." Special session organized for the Grillparzer Society of America at the Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association of America, December, 2002

"The Past Is A Foreign Country: Teaching Pre-Modern Literature." Annual Convention of the South-Central Modern Language Association, Austin, TX. 1 November 2002

"The Nobel Prizes: A Legacy of Achievement." Co-Organized with S. Straubhaar and J. Swaffar for the Swedish Studies Excellence Endowment. University of Texas at Austin. 20-21 April 2001


"The Movies Go to War." Presentation for the 6th Annual Regional Gathering of LoneStar Mensa. Austin, Texas, 5 September 2004.

"The 19th-Century Ghost Story on the Stage." Presentation on a panel sponsored by the Humanities Institute, U. of Texas at Austin, to accompany the Austin Lyric Opera presentation of Wagner¹s Flying Dutchman, 9 March 2004; follow-up panel presentation, 30 March 2004

"Scholars' Myths on Mythology." Thompson Conference Center/ Continuing & Extended Education Humanities Series, "Mythology: 'The Song of the Universe,'" Spring 2003. U. of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX , 24 February 2003

"Eye on the Prize: The Politics of Literature for the Nobel Prize." SILL-- Sarasota Institute of Lifetime Learning, Humanities Lecture Series, Sarasota, FL. 5 February 2003.

RECENT PRESENTATIONS: Outside University of Texas

"Kant versus Swedenborg: From Creation History to Modern Science." Annual Meeting, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. "Critique of Unhistorical Reason": Session Sponsored by the International Herder Society. Las Vegas, NV. 1 April 2005

"Mach, Haeckel, and the Rejection of the "Two Cultures": Popular Science as Epistemology in German-Language Science of the (Last) Fin de siècle." Annual Meeting, History of Science Society, Austin, TX, 20 November 2004

"The Textuality of Idealist Knowledge: Reading Fichte, Tieck, and Wackenroder." Conference on: "Literature and Philosophy after Kant: Re-Evaluating Early German Romanticism," Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, George Mason University. Fairfax, VA, 12 June 2004

"Austrians Telling Literary (Hi)Stories: Historiographies Outside the Nationalist Paradigm," and
"Teaching Grad Students in Austrian Literature and Intellectual History" (two presentations). "Gender, History, and Memory": Annual Conference for the Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association, Rice University, Houston, TX, April 23, 2004

"A High Pressure Dome over Austria: Mach, Musil, Mauthe, and the Cultural Time of Science." Rethinking Time and Space across Science, Literature, and the Arts. 17th Annual Conference of the Society for Literature and Science, Austin, TX, 25 October 2003

"When Comparative Literature Becomes Cultural Studies: A Teaching Perspective." Going Global: The Futures of Comparative Literature. 29th Annual Conference, Southern Comparative Literature Association. Austin, TX, 19 September 2003

"Other Colonial Fantasies: How Orientalism Marginalizes Eighteenth-Century Germans." Session organized by the International Herder Society. 11th International Congress on the Enlightenment (ISECS) and 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS), Los Angeles, CA, 8 August 2003

"Biographical Ghosts: Kant's Tr”ume eines Geistersehers. " Session on "Biography and Philosophy," organized by the German Caucus. 11th International Congress on the Enlightenment (ISECS) and 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS), Los Angeles, CA, 6 August 2003

"Why Austrian Studies isn't German Studies: A Once and Future Tale." Globalization and Multiculturalism in Modern Austrian Literature. Annual Conference of the Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association. Burlington, VT, 11 April 2003

"Garden-Hating Germans: The 'Landscape Sublime' in German Thought." Session on "Let Us Not Forget Manure: Representations of Rural Life and Country Affairs in Literature or Art or Anything Else." South-Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Conference. Fort Worth, TX, 7 March 2003

"Germany and Germanness: Redefining Germanophone Culture(s) for the Curriculum." Special Session on "Writing Across Borders." South-Central Modern Language Association. Austin, TX, 2 November 2002

"'Das Schiff ist das Urbild einer sehr besonderen und strengen Regierungsform': Herder's Journey to Hermeneutic Conversion." Conference of the International Herder Society, Rice University, Houston, TX, 26 September 2002

"Translating Castrati: From Eighteenth-Century Performance to Twentieth-Century Masquerades." Panel on "Film, Performance, and Visual Art," American Comparative Literature Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 13 April 2002

"The Allies' Enlightenment: Cassirer and the Politics of Intellectual History, 1932-1950." Presentation on a panel on "The Philosophy of the Enlightenment: A Cassirerian View," organized by the Deutsche Gesellschaft f½r die Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies annual convention, Colorado Springs, CO, 6 April 2002

"Castrati and the Masquerade of the Eighteenth Century: Farinelli and Sitwell." Panel on "'And the Oscar goes to . . . ': The Eighteenth Century in and on Film." South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies annual convention, South Padre Island, TX, 23 February 2002

"Hanswurst Redux: Staberl, Titus, and Annina." Session organized by the International Arthur Schnitzler Research Association. Modern Language Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, 28 December 2001

"Haider, Habsburg (Otto), and the Deleuzian Conceptual Persona: Austria's Millennial Europe." For an organized session entitled "Troping Austria 2000: Between Destruction and Awakening" (org. Erik Vogt). 25th Annual Conference of The International Association for Philosophy and Literature. Spelman College, Atlanta Georgia, 4 May 2001

"Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in Hofmannsthal's Late Journalism." German Studies Association, 24th Annual Conference. Houston, TX, 7 October 2000

Respondent for a panel on "Sex, Death, and Decadence in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna." German Studies Association, 24th Annual Conference. Houston, TX, 6 October 2000

"Revolution from the Prompter's Box: Grillparzer and Nestroy in Vienna." Session sponsored by the Grillparzer Gesellschaft. Modern Language Association, San Francisco, CA, 29 December 1998

"Translators Who Are Not Traitors: Language and Cultural Knowledge," Internationale Herder-Gesellschaft, Madison, WI, 18 September 1998

"Letters to the Ruling Class: Enlightening Two National Cultures," American Comparative Literature Association, Austin, TX, 28 March 1998

-second version at the annual convention of the American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2 April 1998

"The Critical Discourse Analysis of French Feminism," French Feminism across the Disciplines, 30th Annual Texas Tech Universtiy Comparative Literature Symposium, Lubbock, TX, 30 January 1997

"Central Europe and the Nationalist Paradigm," Beyond 'Vienna 1900': Rethinking Culture in Central Europe, 1867-1939, Center for Austrian Studies and Austrian Cultural Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 12 October 1995

"Colonialism in Austro-Hungary: Fritz Mauthner's Bohemian Novellas." AATG/IDV Joint Meeting, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 5 August 1995 (read in absentia)

"A Reevaluation of Paul's Principien der Sprachgeschichte," 6th International Congress on the History of the Language Sciences, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., 10 August 1993

"The Psychology Behind Völkerpsychologie: From Wundt to Freud," Society for Literature and Science Conference, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 13 October 1991


University Research Institute Faculty Research Assignment (University of Texas), Spring, 2008

Dean's Fellow, College of Liberal Arts, Spring, 2007 (one semester teaching release, full salary)

Summer, 2006: SCMLA/Mellon Fellowship at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center ($3000): one-month residency in history of science collections

2005-06 Research Grant, OVP Research, U of Texas at Austin: for research assistant for monograph Experiment in World Construction

"The Movies Go to War," and "Austria in Hollywood: Film Course Development": 2003-2004, renewed 04-05 Liberal Arts Instructional Technology grant: For development of two undergraduate film courses (CA $25K each year)

Fellow, Humanities Institute, University of Texas at Austin (one semester single- course release), Spring, 2003

"German Dialects for Social and Linguistic History": 2002-03-Liberal Arts Instructional Technology grant, $28,500 : For completion of dialect tape digitization and building of a content database for searching

University Research Institute Faculty Research Assignment (University of Texas), Spring, 2002 (1 semester, $30,000)

University of Texas Vision Plan Computer Program Grant (w/John Weinstock and David Wright): Continuation of Digitization Grant: $40,000, 2000-2001

University Cooperative Society Subvention Grant awarded by The University of Texas at Austin, for publication of Declining Empire: Resisting Wilhelminean Germany, November, 1999

University of Texas VIsion Plan Computer Program Grant (w/John Weinstock and David Wright): $120,000 Digitization Project grant for development of Digitization Lab and Database Library, training of graduate assistants: 1998/99; renewed for 1999/2000: $60,000/yr)

College of Liberal Arts Computer Grant, March, 1999, for laptop purchase

College of Liberal Arts Computer Grant: development award for website on "German for Philosophy," Spring/Summer 1998

Project QUEST Computer Grant: "Digital Archive and Database for Language Instruction", Summer, 1998 (grant of Compaq computer to be used as server: Proliant 1600 w/Pentium 300 Processor; K.A. and John Weinstock)

National Science Foundation Faculty Development Program: tuition grant to attend Council of Chautauqua Field Centers/NSF Short Courses for College Teachers, course on "Creating Course Materials for the World Wide Web," Austin, Texas, 17-19 May 1998

University Research Institute Faculty Research Assignment (University of Texas), Spring, 1996

University Research Institute Faculty Research Assignment (University of Texas), Fall, 1989-90

University Research Institute Summer Award (University of Texas), 1984

NEH Summer Research Stipend, 1982

University Research Institute Summer Award, 1981

Whiting Fellowship in the Humanities, 1979-80

Fulbright-Hays Full Grant (Graduate Fellow to Vienna, Austria), 1978-79

DAAD Full Grant (Graduate Fellow to Germany), 1978-79 (declined)



Catherine Julie Dossin. (Art History; co-supervisor with Richard Shiff)

Jennifer Marie Powers, "Subversive Spirituality in the Novel: Realism to the Eve of the Second World War." (Spanish/Portuguese, in progress; co-supervisor)

Ingrid Lelos. "Pious Sentiments: German Pietist Literature in early America." (CL, in progress; Miller /Continuing University Fellowship).

Jennifer Marie Powers, "Subversive Spirituality in the Novel: Realism to the Eve of the Second World War." (Spanish/Portuguese, in progress; co-supervisor with Vance Holloway)

Moira DiMauro-Jackson, on decadence, (CL, in progress; co-supervisor with Daniella Bini)


Björn Werner Freitag, "Defeated Heroes: Constructions of Masculinity in Weimar Republic Battlefield Novels" (Continuing University Fellowship winner; def. 5/06; degree 8/06; Internationale Schule am Rhein in Neuss, Germany)

Matthew Michael Conner. "Preparing Students for the Upper-Division Literature/Culture Classroom: A Multiple Literacies Approach." (Co-supervisor with Janet Swaffar; def. 11/05; degree 12/05; Texas State University)

Lidia Oukaderova. "The Currency of Representation: Money and Literature in Russia, 1917-1935" (CL-co-chair with Janet Swaffar; Continuing University Fellowship; def. 8/05; degree 8/05)

Markus Weidler. "Heidegger's Theft of Faith: A Campaign to Suspend Radical Theology (Philosophy; co-supervision with Kathleen Higgins; def. 12/04; degree 5/05)

Julie Ann Sievers, "Evidence of Wonders: Writing American Identity in the Early Modern Transatlantic World." (Livingston/Continuing University Fellowship; English; co-supervision with William J. Scheick; def. 6/04; deg.8/04)

Anne Catherine Reitz, "Reforming the State by Reforming the Family: Imagining the Romantic Mother in Pedagogy and Letters, 1790-1813" (def. 4/04, de. 5/04)

Agnieszka Barbara Nance, "A Nineteenth-Century Polish 'Invented Community': Galicia as a Nation without a State." (A.D. Hutchison/ Continuing University Fellowship winner; def. 4/04; deg. 5/04)

Chris Venner. "Networking Knowledge and Power: The Control Subject from Deleuze and Guattari through the Information Age." (External Reader, Philosophy, Duquesne University, def. 12/02)

Lucinda Martin, "Womenºs Religious Speech and Activism in German Pietism" (DAAD Fellowship; Cullen Trust Endowment Fund /Continuing University Fellowship; def. 10.02; deg. 12/02)Winner, Best Dissertation at UT; Runner Up-UMI-Council of Graduate Schools National Competition for Best Dissertation

Perry Wayne Myers, Jr., "The Double-Edged Sword: The Cult of Bildung in Fin-de-siÀcle Germany" (Continuing University Fellowship winner; def. 4/02; deg. 8/02)

William V. McDonald, "A Hebrew Text in Greek Dress: A Comparison and Contrast Between Jewish and Hellenistic Thought (Hebrew Studies, def. 4/02; degree 5/02)

Cynthia D. Baker, "Image and Self-Image: The Literary Search for Brazilian National Identity" (Continuing University Fellowship winner; Spanish/Portuguese, joint supervision with Enylton J. Desarego; def. 3/01; degree 5/01)

Erika Martina Nelson, "Reading and Re-Presenting Rilke: Orphic Identity and Poetic Invention" (joint supervision with Hubert Heinen; def. 10/00; degree 5/01)

Florence Widmer-Schnyder, "Toward a Genre Theory of Travel Literature of the Nineteenth Century" (Continuing University Fellowship winner; CL; joint supervision with Carol MacKay; def. 10/00; deg. 12/00)

Christa Gaug, "Situating the City: The Textual and Spatial Construction of Late-Nineteenth-Century Berlin and Vienna in City Texts by Theodor Fontane and Daniel Spitzer" (Continuing University Fellowship winner; def 4/00; degree 5/00; Rice University)

John Robert Jerome Eyck, "The Tragedy of Sentimentalism and Politics in Enlightenment Europe" (def. 10/99; degree 12/99; A.D. Hutchison/ Continuing University Fellowship winner; Fulbright Grant to the Netherlands; U. of Maryland, College Park)

Philippe Seminet, "The Public Sade: Les Crimes de l'amour in Context" (French/Italian; co-chair with Hal Wylie; Continuing University Fellowship winner; def. 8/99; degree 12/99; Stephen F. Austin)

Isabel Garayta, "Womanhandling" the Text: Feminism, Rewriting, and Translation" (CL; def. 11/98, degree 12/98; U. of Puerto Rico, San Juan)

Noel Claire Stahle, "Crossing the "Threshold of the Unthinkable': The Emergence of White Aftrican Consciousness" (CL, COOP/ Continuing University Fellowship winner; joint supervision with Bernth Lindfors; def. 4/98; degree 8/98)

Sarah Eugenie Dougher, "Women of Letters: Changes in the Field of Classics in the US Between 1870 and 1915" (CL, joint supervision with Michael Gagarin: def. 5/97; degree 8/97)

Julie Ann Mercer, "Paul Zech: Exoticism, Gender, and Social Criticism in His Writing" (CL, def. 3/97; degree 5/97)

Robert Sidney Stone, "Picaresque Continuities" (CL, Continuing University Fellowship winner; joint supervision w/ Lee Fontanella; def. 12/96; degree 5/97)

Janice Marion Stinchcomb, "Ostrovsky and Domestic Drama" (CL, joint supervision with Leslie O'Bell; def. 12/96; degree 5/97)

Nikola Petkovic, "The 'Post' in Postcolonial and Postmodern: The Case of Central Europe (CL, Continuing University Fellowship winner; def. 6/96, degree 12/96)

Stanley Burr Taylor, "A Man Ahead of His Time: Reception of the English-Language Translations of the Plays of Georg Büchner" (def. 5/96; deg.12/97)

Lydia Gonzalez-Quevedo, "A Postcolonial Approach to a Colonial Literature?: The Case of Puerto Rico" (CL, joint supervision with Naomi Lindstrom, def. 5/96, degree 8/ 96; U. de Mayagüez)

John David Zuern, "The Loom of Belief: Conversion, Ideology and Narrative Form in the German Novel of Development" (CL, def. 11/95, deg. 5/96; U. Hawaii)

Franz Bokel, "Great Days in Germany: Third Reich Celebrities as Mediators between Government and People" (def.3/95, degree 5/95; Centre College, KY)

Nejd Isber Yaziji, "Questioning the Nationalist Paradigm: Toward a Post-Colonial Narrative Critique" (CL, Continuing University Fellowship winner; joint supervision with Evan Carton; def. 12/93, deg. 5/94)

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