Syllabus, Fall 1997

(Hi)Story: Telling Stories of Culture

CL 382 (28335) & E 393M (30985)

* = must read

Background = useful to explain readings for the day

Week 1: Aug. 28

Thurs Introduction to the Course

I. German and French Historiographical Roots

Week 2: Sept. 2, 4

Tues History as Human Reason

*Immanuel Kant, "Idea for a Universal History with Cosmopolitan Intent," GEH, 3-15
*Johann Gottfried von Herder, "Philosophy of History," GEH, 16-23
*Wilhelm von Humboldt, "On the Task of the Historian," GEH, 36-52
Friedrich Schiller, "What is Universal History . . . ," GEH, 24-35
•ASSIGNMENT DUE: Personal statement

Thurs Philosophical History

*Johann Gottlieb Fichte, "Idea of Universal History," GEH, 53-62
*Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, "World History," GEH, 63-72
Friedrich Wilhelm Josef Schelling, "The Ages of the World, GEH, 73-81
Background: Hayden White, Metahistory, 45-131 (1-42 optional)

Week 3: Sept. 9, 11

Tues Progressive and Materialist History

*Leopold von Ranke, "On the Epochs of Modern History," GEH, 82-87
*---, "Preface to the First Editions," GEH, 88-90
*Georg Gottfried Gervinus, "Introduction to the History of the Nineteenth Century," GEH, 91-102
Background: Hayden White, Metahistory, 133-229
*Johann Gustav Droysen, "Outline of the Principles of History," GEH, 103-122
Background: Hayden White, Metahistory, 267-280
*Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, "The German Ideology," GEH, 123-141
Theodor Mommsen, "Speeches and Essays," GEH, 142-145
Background: Hayden White, Metahistory, 281-330

•PRECIS DUE: any essay


Thurs Positivism and Geistesgeschichte

*Ernest Renan, "What is a Nation?," BN, 41-55
Jakob Burckhardt, "On Fortune and Misfortune in History," GEH, 146- 161
Background: Hayden White, Metahistory, 230-264
*Wilhelm Dilthey, "Patterns and Meaning in History," GEH, 162-169
*Heinrich von Trietschke, "The Task of the Historian," GEH, 170-173

Week 4: Sept. 16, 18

Tues Critical History of Life (Existenzphilosophie)

*Friedrich Nietzsche, "Use and Abuse of History," GEH, 174-194
Background: Hayden White, Metahistory, 331-374
*Friedrich Meinecke, "Historicism," GEH, 195-203
*Karl Jaspers, "Meaning of History," GEH, 204-248
Oswald Spengler, "Problem of World History," GEH, 249-267
Background: Hayden White, Metahistory, 375-434

•PRECIS DUE: any essay from Positivism, Geistesgeschichte, or today

Thurs French Romantic History

*Jules Michelet, The People, 3-39, 149-153
*Jules Michelet, History of the French Revolution, "Preface" and "Intro," 3-80
Jules Michelet, "Discours sur l'unité de la science," Œuvres complete, Vol. 1, 243-255
Background: Lagarde & Michard, 355-384
Nora, Litterature XIXe, 335-360

[NOTE: Preface by Michelet important -- READ IT!]

Week 5: Sept. 23, 25

Tues French Positivism

*Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City, "Introduction," "Book First," and "Book Second, Chapter 1," 9-52
Background: Lagarde & Michard, 355-384
Nora, Litterature XIXe, 335-360
•PRECIS DUE: any French history essay

Part 2: French Historiography

Thurs French Structuralism and Beyond

*Marc Bloch, The Historian and His Craft, all (passim)
Burke, French Historical Revolution (best on genesis of Annales )
Dosse, New History in France (best details on genesis of Annales)
Roth, Knowing and History (best on Hegelian histories & politics)

Week 6: Sept. 30, Oct. 2

Tues *Lucien Febvre, A Geographical Introduction to History, "Preface," "Introductory," and "Part I, Chapter 1: How the Problem Should be Stated," v-67

---, Coming of the Book, 1-44
•PRECIS DUE: Any Bloch or Febvre

Thurs Fernand Braudel, On History ("material history" anti-Marxist)

*- "The Mediterranean" (exc.), OH, 3-5
*- "The Situation of History in 1950" (on Bloch and Febvre), OH, 6-22
*- "History and Social Sciences: The Longue Durée," OH, 25-54
- "History and Sociology," OH, 64-82 (history of historiography)
- "History of Civilizations," OH, 177-218 (Encyc. of historiography)
*- "Toward a Serial History," OH, 90-104 (defines structures)
- "Is there a Geography of Biological Man?," OH, 105- 119 (all biology is sociology)
- "On a Concept of Social History," OH, 120-131 (anti- 50's German approach to sociology [implicitly Elias])
- "Demography and the Scope of the Human Sciences," OH, 132-160 (anti Germans and Marxists, esp. Authoritarian Personality)

Week 7: Oct. 7, 9

Tues History of Mentalités (psycho-sociology)

*Roger Chartier, "Intellectual History and the History of Mentalités," CH, 19-52 (not geistesgescichte or intellectual history)
---, "On the Relation of Philosophy and History," CH, 53-70 (moving past Foucault)
*---, "Social Figuration and Habitus: Reading Elias," CH, 71-94
*---, "Text, Symbols and Frenchness" CH, 95-111 (Critique of work like Darnton's)
  1. - "The World Turned Upside-Down," CH, 115-126
  2. - "Time to Understand the 'Frustrated Intellectuals,'" CH, 127-150
  3. - "Figures of the 'Other': Peasant Reading," CH, 151-171
  4. - "The Two Frances: The History of a Geographical Idea," CH, 172-200

•PRECIS DUE: any Braudel or Chartier

Thurs Alternative Structures: Histories of Disciplines and Practices

Georges Canguilhem, Ideology and Rationality in the History of the Life Sciences
*- "Introduction: The Role of Epistemology in Contemporary History of Science," 1-23
*- "What Is a Scientific Ideology?," 27-40
*Michel Foucault, Birth of the Clinic, "Preface," ix-xviii
*-"Spaces and Classes" and "A Political Consciousness," 3-37

Week 8: Oct. 14, 16

Tues History as Ideological Fiction

Michel de Certeau, The Writing of History
*- "Introduction: Writings and History," 1-16
- "Making History," 19-55
*- "The Historiographical Operation," 56-113
*- "Introduction: Questions of Method," 117-124
- "A Variant: Hagio-Graphical Edification," 269-283
- "What Freud makes of History," 287-307

Thurs Maps, Consciousness, and Praxis

*Henri Lefevbre, Production of Space, 1-67, 401-423 (opt. 68-168)
•PRECIS DUE: any Canguilhem, Foucault, de Certeau, or Lefebvre

Part 3: The German Alternatives

Week 9: Oct. 21, 23

Tues Historikerstreit: Left versus Right`

Forever in the Shadow of Hitler?, eds. Knowlton and Cates
*-Imanuel Geiss, "On the Historikerstreit," 254-258
*-Ernst Nolte, "Between Historical Legend and Revisionism?: The Third Reich in the Perspective of 1980," 1-15
*-Michael Stürmer, "History in a Land without History," 16-18
*-Ernst Holte, "The Past That will not Pass," 18-23
*-Jürgen Habermas, "A Kind of Settlement of Damages: Apologetic Tendencies," 34-44
*-Klaus Hildebrand, "The Age of Tyrants," 50-55
Jürgen Habermas, New Conservatism
*- "Part 9: A Kind of Settling of Damages," 207-267
- "Political Culture in Germany," 183-195
- "The New Intimacy between Politics and Culture," 196-205

Thurs Frankfurt School Critical History

Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno, Dialektic of Enlightenment
*- "The Concept of Enlightenment," 3-42
*- "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception," 120-167

Week 10: Oct. 28, 30

Tues Norbert Elias, The Civilizing Process

*- The History of Manners, 1- 105 (through Part 2, Chap. 4)
- State Function and Civilization, 499-524
*- "Introduction to the 1968 Edition," 181-215

Thurs Systems Theory

*Luhmann, Social Systems, 1-102
•PRECIS DUE: any Frankfurt School, Elias, or Luhmann

Week 11: Nov. 4, 6

Tues Begriffsgeschichte

Reinhart Kosselleck, Futures Past
*- "Preface," FP, xxi-xxvi
- "Historical Criteria of the Modern Concept of Revolution," FP, 39-54
*- "Begriffsgeschichte and Social History," FP, 73-91
*- "Historical-Political Semantics of Asymmetric Counterconcepts," 159-197
- "Representation, Event, and Structure," FP, 105-115
- "Chance as Motivational Trace in Historical Writing," FP, 116-129 (Humboldt)
- "Perspective and Temporality," FP, 130-115 (Dilthey, Chladenius)
  1. - "Modernity and the Planes of Historicity," FP, 3-20 (Altdorfer)
  2. - "Terror and Dreams: Methodological Remarks on the Experience of Time during the Third Reich," FP, 213-230
  3. - "'Neuzeit': Remarks on the Semantics of the Modern Concept of Movement," FP, 231-266
  4. - "'Space of Experience' and 'Horizon of Expectation': Two Historical Categories," FP, 267-288

Thurs The History of Everyday Life

*Alf Lüdktke, "Introduction: What Is the History of Everday Life ," HEL, 3-40 (contra social history)
Hans Mendick, "'Missionaries in a Rowboat'?: Ethnological Ways of Knowing as a Challenge to Social History," HEL, 41-71
*Peter Schöttler, "Mentalities, Ideologies, Discourses," HEL, 72-115
Harald Dehne, "Have We Come Any Closer to Alltag?," HEL, 116-148
  1. Dorothee Wierling, "The History of Everyday Life and Gender Relations," HEL, 149-168
  2. Wolfgang Kaschuba, "Popular Culture and Workers' Culture as Symbolic Orders," HEL, 169-197
  3. Alf Lüdtke, "What Happened to the 'Fiery Red Glow?," HEL, 198-251 Lutz Niethammer, "Zeroing in on Change," HEL, 252-311 (testimony)

•PRECIS DUE: any Begriffsgeschichte or everyday-life history

Part 4: Synthetic Alternatives

Week 12: Nov. 11, 13

Tues Becoming National: Nationalism and Historical Identity-Formation

*Ernest Renan, "What is a Nation?," BN, 41-55 [this is a repeat]
*Benedict Anderson, "Census, Map, Museum," BN, 241-258 (WOW)
*Anne McClintock, "'No Longer in a Future Heaven': N'lism, Gender, and Race," BN, 259-284
*Ann Stoler, "Sexual Affronts and Racial Frontiers," BN,285-322
*Etienne Balibar, "The Nation Form: History and Ideology," BN, 131- 149
Miroslav Hroch, "From National Movement to the Fully-Formed Nation," BN, 59-77
Anthony D. Smith, "Origins of Nations," BN, 105-130
Prasenjit Duara, Historicizing National Identity," BN, 150-177
Stuart Hall, "Ethnicity: Identity and Difference," BN, 337-349
Khachig Tölölyan, "The NationState and its Others," BN, 425-431
Liisa Malkki, "National Geographic," BN, 432-453 (scholar/refugee)
Jeffrey M. Peck, "Rac(e)ing the Nation: Is there a German 'Home'?," BN, 479-492

Thurs Post-Colonial Identity Formation

Homi K. Bhabha, The Location of Culture
*- "Introduction: Locations of Culture," LC, 1-18
*- "The Other Question," LC, 66-84
*- "DissemiNation: Time, Narrative, and the Margins of the Modern Nation," LC, 139-170

Week 13: Nov. 18, 20

Tues The Invention of Tradition: Ethnic Nationalism and Historical Validity

*Eric Hobsbawm, "Inventing Tradition," IT, 1-14
*Eric Hobsbawm, "Mass-Producing Traditions: Europe, 1870-1914," IT, 263-307
  1. Hugh Trevor-Roper, "Invention of Tradition: The Highland Tradition of Scotland," IT, 15-41
  2. Bernard S. Cohn, "Rep'ting Authority in Victorian India," IT, 165-209
  3. Terence Tanger, "Invention of Tradition in Colonial Africa," IT, 211-62


Thurs The New Cultural History: Practices, Bodies, and Local Groups

*Lynn Hunt, "Introduction: History, Culture, and Text," NCH, 1-22 (thumbnail of 4 gens. of annales)
*Roger Chartier, "Texts, Printing, Readings," NCH, 154-175 (representation & practices; like Darnton's Great Cat Massacre)
*Thomas W. Laqueur, "Bodies, Details, and the Humanitarian Narrative," NCH, 176-204 (body imagery)
Patricia O'Brien, "Michel Foucault's History of Culture," NCH, 25-46
Aletta Biersack, "Local Knowledge, Local History," NCH, 72-96 (incl Geertz, Zeman/Martin Guerre/Darnton, Cat Massacre)
Lloyd S. Kramer, "Literature, Criticism, and Historical Imagination," NCH, 97-128 (on H. White)
Mary Ryan, "The American Parade," NCH, 131-153 (representation)
Randolph Starn, "Seeing Culture in a Room for a Renaissance Prince," NCH, 205-232 (variant on the gaze)
Background: Fictions of the French Revolution, ed. Bernadette Fort (Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 1991)

Week 14: Nov. 25, 27

Tues Non-Western Historiographies (?)

*Gita Rajan, "Subversive-Subaltern Identity: Indira Gandhi as the Speaking Subject," in S. Smith, ed. De/Colonizing the Subject, 196-222
*Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, "Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography," SSS, 3-32
*Ranajit Guha, "Methodology" (3 essays), SSS, 35-86
David Arnold, "Touching the Body: Perspectives on the Indian Plague," SSS, 391-426


Week 15: Dec. 2, 4

Tues Other Historiographical Units: Gesture, Picture, Ritual

*Joaneath Spicer, "The Renaissance Elbow," CHG, 84-128 (reading portraits)
  1. Robert Muchembled, "The Order of Gestures: A Social History of Sensibilities under the Ancien Régime in France," CHG, 129-151
  2. Herman Roodenburg, "The 'Hand of Friendship': Shaking Hands and other Gestures in the Dutch Republic," CHG, 152-189
  3. Maria Bogucka, "Gesture, Ritual, and Social Order in 16th- to 18th- Century Poland," CHG, 190-209

Background: Peter Burke, Representing Louis VIX

Thurs Closing discussion: Cultural Studies and Historiography

OFFICIAL EXAM TIME (when your final work is due)

for CL 382, TTH 12:30-2 = Monday, Dec. 15, 9-12 noon