Syllabus, Fall 1998

German 392 (Unique # 34560)

Competing for the Public Sphere: The Politics of the Aesthetic, 1740-1820

* = must read; unmarked = read if possible, or if you have read first text, since they will be treated as part of class discussion

Week 1: Aug. 27

Thurs Introduction to the Course

PART I. The Literary Context

Week 2: Sept. 1, 3
Tues The German Enlightenment

excerpts from Frenzel, eds. *-"Aufklärung," 152-62 (opt. -187)
*-"Empfindsamkeit," 187-192 (opt. -200)

After the German Enlightenment?
excerpts from Frenzel, eds.
*-"Sturm und Drang," 200-206 (opt. -229)
*-"Klassik," 229-238 (opt. -295)
*-"Romantik," 296-307 (opt.-348)
Fritz Martini, Deutsche Literaturegeschichte, 171-233(-351)

Thurs The Question of "Literary Criticism"

*Klaus L. Berghahn, "From Classicist to Classical Literary Critictsm, 1730-1806," in Hohendahl, ed., History, 13-98
•Precis due: Berghahn

PART 2: Reinterpreting the Enlightenment Legacy

Week 3: Sept. 8, 10

Tues Characterizing the Enlightenment, I

Horkheimer/Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment
*-"Introduction," xi-xvii
*-"The Concept of Enlightenment," 3-42
-"Odysseus or Myth and Enlightenment," 43-80
*-"Juliette or Enlightenment and Morality," 81-119

Thurs Characterizing the Enlightenment, II

Horkheimer/Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment
*-"The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception," 120-167
-"Elements of Anti-Semitism," 168-208
*Horkheimer, "Reason Against Itself," in Schmidt, ed., What is Enlightenment?, 359-36
•Precis due: any Horkheimer or Adorno section

Week 4: Sept. 15, 17

Tues Theorizing the Public Sphere, I

Habermas, Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere
*-"Author's Preface," xvi-xix
*-"1. Introduction: Preliminary Demarcation," 1-26
*-"2. Social Structures of the Public Sphere," 27-56
*-"3. Political Functions of the Public Sphere," 57-88

Thurs FREE DAY -- Read your brains out!

Week 5: Sept. 22, 24

Tues Theorizing the Public Sphere, II

Habermas, Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere
*-"4. The Bourgeois Public Sphere: Idea and Ideology," 89-140
*-"5. The Social-Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere," 141-180
-"6. The Transformation of the Public Sphere's Political Fn.," 181-235
-"7. On the Concept of Public Opinion," 236-250

Part 3: "Streitkultur": Journals and the Public Sphere

Thurs Aesthetics, Ethics, and Politics: Second Generation Theory

Eagleton, Ideology of the Aesthetic
*-"Introduction," 1-12
*-"1. Free Particulars," 13-30
*-"2. The Law of the Heart," 31-69
*-"3. The Kantian Imaginary," 70-101
-"4. Schiller and Hegemony," 102-119
-"5. The World as Artefact," 120-152

Schmidt, Die Selbstorganisation des Sozialsystems Literatur
*-"Einleitung," 9-14
*-Kapitel 1, 15-27
-Kapitel 2, 28-64
(note: this text is impossible, but interesting)
•Precis due: any Habermas section

Week 6: Sept. 39, Oct. 1

Tues The Indigenous Variant: Moral Weeklies and Forming Public Opinion (reviews, serial commentary, short prose forms)

Schmidt, ed., What is Enlightenment?
*-Foucault, "What is Critique?," WIE, 382-398
*-Preface and Introduction, ix-44
*-Part I, Section 1: The Question and Some Answers, 45-83
-Part I, Section 2: The Public Use of Reason, 85-187

Thurs Schmidt, ed., What is Enlightenment?

*-Part I, Section 3: Faith and Enlightenment, 143-187
*-Part I, Section 4: The Politics of Enlightenment, 189-231
•Precis due: any 18th century essay from Schmidt

Week 7: Oct. 6, 8

Tues The Aesthetic Battles, First Generation

DeJean, Ancients Against Moderns
*-Chapter 1, 1-30
*-Chapter 2, 31-77
-(opt. Chapter 4, 124-150)

Gottsched, Schriften zur Literatur
Versuch einer critischen Dichtkunst (1730)
*-1. Teil, 1. Kap: 12-35
-1. Teil, 2. Kap., 36-57
-1. Teil, 5. Kap., 104-128
"Die Schauspiele" (1729), 3-11
*"Vorrede zum 'Sterbenden Cato'" (1732), 197-211
Bodmer and Breitinger, Schriften zur Literatur
*-Die Discourse der Mahlern (1721-23), XIX. Discours, 3-19
-"Von dem Einfluß und Gebrauche der Einblidungs-Krafft" (1727), 29-35
Breitinger, Kritische Dichtkunst (1740)
*-"Von der Nachahmung der Natur," 83-100
-"Von dem Wunderbarenund dem Wahrscheinlichen," 135-160

Thurs Winckelmann, Gedanken über die Nachahmung (1756) (all)

*Lessing, Laokoon (1766), Sections I-VIII
*Wieland, Geschichte des Agathon (1766/67), Vorbericht, "1. Buch," 5-41
•Precis due: any text, as rep. "ancients versus moderns" debate

Week 8: Oct. 13, 15

Tues Aesthetic Battles, Second Generation: Public Culture and High Culture

*Schiller, "Ankundigung der rheinischen Thalia" (1784) (copy)
*-"Ankundigung der Horen" (1794) (copy)
Goethe, "Einfache Nachahmung der Natur, Manier, Stil" (1789), 34-38
*-"Einleitung in die Propyläen" (1798), 71-88
August Wilhelm Schlegel, Über Literatur, Kunst und Geist des Zeitalters
*-"Entwurf zu einem kritischen Institute" (1800), 216-225
-"Allgemeine Übersicht des gegenwärtigen Zustandes der deutschen Literatur
Friedrich Schlegel, Kritische und Theoretische Schriften
*-"Athenäums-Fragmente," 76-142
-"Über Lessing," 46-75

Thurs The Shakespeare and National Theater Debates

*Lessing, "17. Literaturbrief" (1759)
*Lessing, Hamburgische Dramaturgie (1767/69) # 80-83
*Schiller, "Schaubühne als eine moralische Anstalt betrachtet" (1784)
*Herder, Von der Urpoesie der Völker, "Shakespeare" (1771), 15-39
*Goethe, "Zum Shakespeares-Tag" (probably 1771)

Week 9: Oct. 20, 22

Tues *Lessing, Nathan der Weise (1779), 1. Akt, Ringparabel

*Schiller, Die Räuber (1781), 1. Akt

Thurs Schiller, Über Anmut und Würde (1793)

*Schiller, Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen, in einer Reihe von Briefen (1795), Briefe 1-10
*Schiller, Über naive und sentimentalische Dichtung (1795/96)
Schiller, "Über Bürgers Gedichte" (1789)
•Precis due: any essay on drama or art as part of "ancients versus moderns" debates

Part 4: Reisen and the Other: History, Geography, Public Character

Week 10: Oct. 27, 29

Tues Zantop, Colonial Fantasies

*-"Introduction," 1-16
*-"I.2: A Conquest of the Intellect," 31-42
-"II.4: Racializing the Colony," 66-80
-"III.6: Fathers and Sons," 99-120
*-"IV.9: The German Columbus," 166-172
*Haller, "Die Alpen" (1729), 1-28
*Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, "Der Zürchersee" (1750)
*Goethe: "Von deutscher Baukunst," 95-104
Herder, Abhandlung über den Urspring der Sprache (1770), 1. Teil
Herder, Von der Urpoesie der Völker
*-"Über Ossian und die Lieder alter Völker" (1771), 40-59

Thurs Schnabel, Die Insel Felsenberg (1731/43; Tieck redaction)

*-"Geschichte des Eberhard Julius," 3-27
*-"Geschichte des Kapitäns Wolfgang," 27-87
Gottfried August Bürger, Wunderbare Reisen ... des Freiherrn von Münchhausen (1786) (all)
*Herder, Journal meiner Reise im Jahr 1769, 1-77
*Caroline Auguest Fischer, "William the Negro," Bitter Healing, 349-367
•Precis due: any text as representative of "colonial imagination" or "German colonizing mentality"

Part 5: Religion and Quasi-Religious form of Innerlichkeit:

From Private Devotion to Public Self-Fashioning

Week 11: Nov. 3, 5

Tues Barker-Benfield, Culture of Sensibility

*-Introduction, xvii-xxxiv
*-Chapter 1: Sensibility and the Nervous System, 1-36
*-Chapter 4: Women and 18th-Century Consumerism, 154-214
(optional: Chapters 5 & 6)
*Brockes, "Irdisches Vergnügen in Gott" (1721/48), 1-11 (Dt. Neudrucke)
*Albrecht von Haller, "Von den Ursprung des Übels" (1732/33)
Zinzendorf, excerpts from Pennsylvanische Nachrichten (1742), 1-41 
Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, Der Messias (1748/73), 1.Gesang
*Hamann, Sokratische Denkwürdigkeiten (1759) (all)
Hölderlin, Brot und Wein
*Goethe, Urworte Orphisch (1820)

Thurs Religion and Art

*Wackenroder, Herzensergießungen eines Kunstliebenden Klosterbruders (1797[96]), esp. "Das merkwürdige musikalische Leben de Tonkünstlers Joseph Berglinger," 102-123
Nachtwachen von Bonaventura (1804), 1. Vigil
Novalis, Die Christenheit oder Europa (1799) (copy)
Novalis, Die Lehrlinge zu Sais
*-Lehrlinge (1802), 3-40
*-Hymnen an die Nacht (1800), 41-52

Week 12: Nov. 10, 12

Tues Friedrich Schlegel, Kritische und Theoretische Schriften

*-"Gespräch über die Poesie" (1800), 165-224
*Kleist, "Über das Marionettentheater" (1810) (all)
•Precis due: any text as representative of "cultural of sensibility"

Thurs Women

Hull, Sexuality, State, and Civil Society *-Chapter 1: Church, Traditional Society, and the Regulation of Sex, 9-52
-Chapter 10: Public and Private, 371-406
Excerpts from Bitter Healing
-"Trivial Pursuits"?", 9-50
*-Anna Luisa Karsch, "Autobiographical Letter," 125-139
-Philippine Gatterer Engelhard, "Girl's Lament,"189-199
-Henritte Herz, "Memoirs of a Jewish Girlhood," 297-331
*-Karoline von Günderrode (all), 417-442
(Note: figures in Christa Wolf's Kein Ort, Nirgends)
*-Bettina von Arnim, "Report on Günderrode's Suicide," 455-472
Gellert, Die zärtlichen Schwestern (1745) (all)
(Note: "Schöne Seele" in WIlhelm Meisters Lehrjahre fits here, as well)

Week 13: Nov. 17, 19

Tues *Gellert, Das Leben der schwedischen Gräfin von G. (1747/48), 1. Teil

*La Roche, Geschichte des Fräuleins von Sternheim (1771/72), 1-60

Thurs *Fr. Schlegel, Lucinde (1799) (all)

Kleist, Die Marquise von O (1808) (all)
Eichendorff, Das Marmorbild (1819) (all)
*Bettina Bretano, Goethes Briefwechsel mit einem Kinde (1835), 1-81 (Aufbau-Verlag edtion)
•PAPER DRAFT DUE: see assignment sheet for details

Week 14: Nov. 24, 26

Tues Men

*Heinrich Jung-Stilling, Heinrich Stillings Jugend (1777), 1-79
Karl Phillipp Moritz, Anton Reiser (1785/90), 1. Teil, 1-120
*Novalis, Heinrich von Ofterdingen (1802), Chapters 1-3
*Jean Paul, Levana, ein Erzieungsbuch (1807) (copy of English selections)


Week 15: Dec. 1, 3

Tues *Hoffmann, Lebensansichten des Katers Murr (1820/22), 1. Buch (through 1. Abschnitt: "Gefühle des Daseins, Monate der Jugend," 1-108)

•Precis due: any man or woman as representative of regulation of sexual identities

Thurs Closing discussion: new approaches to the German eighteenth century


OFFICIAL EXAM TIME (when your final paper is due):

Thurs, Dec. 10, 7-10 PM