GER 389K: Fundamentals of Scholarship

Fall, 2007 Fall, 2007 Unique 39280 EPS 4.104 TTH 9:30-11

Katherine Arens

Portfolio Assignment: Final

The second part of your portfolio is asset of two different research design projects, start to finish.

The two general topics are as follows:

In each case, you need to model and document a complete and credible research and project design. Including false starts, as indications of what you checked. (Note that there is a handout on the department website on how to write an abstract.) One or both of these searches may apply to a paper you are writing this semester.

This assignment will require you to work step by step through the following categories, ending up with an actual abstract. Your goal is to document how you work with a topic using reference materials, figuring out what needs to be researched in content to make your topic work, evolving a theoretical or methodological basis for your work, and then making an abstract that will be professionally situated.

The answers you give will be a supplement to your personal profile page; each \ bibliographic source or sources should be noted in proper MLA or APA format, and an annotation about why it is appropriate. Be sure to check what assets you might add to the general WIKI pages, as well. Note that this assignment will require you to use handbooks like Harner, Richardson or Blinn.

  1. Specify the TOPIC:
    Make a general statement of what you're going to work on.
  2. Identify the REFERENCE WORKS that apply to the topic area, and why you picked each. Remember that this might include a history book or sociology of a group.
  3. Identify the SOURCE OF CONTENT for that topic: corpus, best/critical edition, website, museum catalogue, etc. Tell me any details that substantiate that status.
  4. Identify your MODEL FOR RESEARCH DESIGN, usually an analysis method or theory. Note that, if you are doing literary and cultural studies, the essays in Adams/Searle anthology and/or on your class CD are a good start.
  5. Identify the HANDBOOK or REFERENCE SOURCE amplifying the approach (or, in the case of recent theory, an essay exemplifying how to use it).
  6. Identify the BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASE(S) you will need to consult to research the topic and the research design/theory.
  7. Identify any SPECIALIZED BIBLIOGRAPHIES (e.g. monographic bibliographies) that contribute to your research in either dimension of your project.
  8. READ your theory source or relevant section(s) of the handbook.
  9. Set up a PRÉCIS, applying the theory/method to the content.
  10. WRITE a 250- word abstract.
  11. Provide a 5-10 item BIBLIOGRAPHY in appropriate format (noting which stylesheet you use).
  12. Identify which CONFERENCE(S) of professional organization(s) the proposed paper might fit (and, if relevant, which sub-sections), and why.
  13. Identify which professional JOURNALS (at least two, a first and second choice), would be likely to accept an expanded version.